Guide to Using Pandoras in Your Zoa Garden

Aquaculture is becoming a popular hobby of people around the world today. One of the best ways to go into aquaculture is to have a zoa garden which many people choose to go into. Zoa gardens are getting very popular today. If you are looking for zoathids, then you will not really have a problem since you will find many resources where you can find them and buy them. So, you can acquire the zoathids that you want to have easily at all times.
The best zoanthid that you can put in you zoa garden is the beautiful Pandora which you can easily find in online aquaculture stores. Pandora zoanthids have a pink base color with violet accents and gold highlights that enhances it. When compared to other species, the Pandora is more beneficial since it grows so fast . And many people choose Pandoras for their zoa garden for this very reason. You don’t have to really learn much about the Pandora to be able to care for it. This is ideal for beginners but many experienced zoa gardeners also prefer this species over others.
It is very easy to keep Pandoras. Creating an environment for a Pandora is not difficult to establish and maintain since they can live in different light intensities and any water condition. Their advantages is they grow faster than any other species. They are able to grow fast in the water by collecting particles of sand and silt and making it a part of their structure. In their natural habitat, pandoras are also able to thrive in a cold environment which a potential aquarist can easily come up with. A moderate flow of water is essential for Pandoras to thrive. This natural flow of water will help Pandoras to maintain their natural looks.
Adding iodine and other trace elements in your water will help enhance the growth of Pandoras. This helps increase the reproduction process of budding of their colony. As a form of nutritional supplement, Pandoras use symbiotic algae zooxanthellae. The addition of micro-plankton and brine shrimp to your aquarium will help improve the feeding system of your Pandoras. Also read on aquaculture corals
Handling Pandoras is not much of a problem because it is easy and relatively safe. One thing though that you have to be cautious about is the palytoxins that they emit which can be very harmful to humans handling Pandoras. This is why despite its being easy to handle Pandora, you should also be cautious when going about it. This neurotoxin is deadly if it comes into contact with the blood system. If you are going to handle Pandora, it is important that there are no cuts or wounds on your hards. Use protective clothing so that you can avoid instances of harm when you handle Pandoras. Your protective clothing will then help you handle Pandoras easily and safely. View